Internet Info 1994 March
Internet Info CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 1994).iso
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# This map is maintained by uucpmap@msen.com
# Mail updates to uucpmap@msen.com or uucpmap@rutgers.edu
file {u.usa.mi.3}
# u.usa.mi.3 last updated: Mon Jul 26 08:37:35 EDT 1993
#N smerdon, smerdon.plymouth.mi.us
#F umcc.ais.org
#S Macintosh; UUPC
#O John D. Smerdon (private system)
#C John D. Smerdon
#E smerdon!jds
#T +1 313 420 2893
#P 15336 Northville Forest #58 Plymouth, MI 48170
#W smerdon!jds ; Sun Jan 31 05:58:12 EST 1993
smerdon= smerdon.plymouth.mi.us
smerdon irie(WEEKLY), umcc(DAILY), wolv(WEEKLY)
#N sno-1
#S Commodore-AMIGA 2000; Amiga-DOS V1.3 & AmigaUUCP v1.13D
#O Better living through Golf
#C Stephen N. Opal
#E sno-1!sno
#T +1 313 572 1610
#P 3716 Golfside Dr., Ypsilanti, MI 48197
#W sno-1!sno (Stephen N. Opal); Sat Jun 6 15:01:59 EDT 1992
sno-1 m-net(WEEKLY), irie(DAILY), umcc(DAILY)
#N south, sceptre.com
#F msen.com
#S Sun SparcStation 1+ ; SunOS 4.1.1
#O Sceptre Corporation
#C Owen Medd
#E postmaster@sceptre.com
#T +1 313 665 8778
#P 3625 W. Liberty, P.O. Box 8031, Ann Arbor, MI 48103
#L 42 18 N / 083 43 W city
#W osm@msen.com (Owen Scott Medd) ; Mon Dec 7 00:05:10 EST 1992
south = sceptre.com
south .sceptre.com(LOCAL)
south heifetz(DEDICATED)
#N spencer, spencer.ann-arbor.mi.us
#F umcc.umich.edu
#S 386 Clone; SCO Xenix SysV 2.3.1
#O Spencer's Crib (home system)
#C Spencer PriceNash
#E postmaster@spencer.ann-arbor.mi.us
#T +1 313 763 5011
#P P. O. Box 4548 Ann Arbor MI 48106-4548, USA
#L 42 18 N / 83 45 W city
#W spencer!spencer (Spencer PriceNash); Sat Apr 24 05:14:25 EDT 1993
spencer = spencer.ann-arbor.mi.us
spencer umcc(DIRECT), irie(DAILY), wolv(DAILY), clif(DAILY)
#N spirit, spirit.grle.mi.us
#F destroyer.rs.itd.umich.edu
#S A.T.&T. Unix PC, Model 3b1; Unix System V ver. 3.51m
#O Grandville Assembly of God
#C Pastor John F. Godfrey
#E john@spirit.grle.mi.us
#T +1 616 531 0010 (work office) +1 616 896 8309 (home office)
#P 3260 52nd St. SW, Grandville, MI 49418-9704
#L 42 50 N / 85 45 W
#R I can also be sent e-mail through attmail!spirit!john
#W john@spirit.grle.mi.us (John F. Godfrey); Fri Mar 26 14:40:00 EST 1993
#U angelos, destroyer, wybbs, wyn386
spirit= spirit.grle.mi.us
spirit destroyer(DIRECT), wybbs(DIRECT), angelos(DEDICATED),
#N star1
#S 386 based; UNIX System V Rel 3
#O Instell
#C Ron Wilson
#E star1!postmaster
#T +1 313 562 0271
#P 870 Sunningdale Inkster MI 48141
#L 42 20 N / 83 20 W city
#U albedo ttardis
#W star1!rlw ; Sun Jun 7 23:38:20 EDT 1992
star1 albedo(WEEKLY), ttardis(EVENING), csi(DEAD), uunet(DEAD)
#N stella
#F msen.com
#S Sun Sparc2; SunOS 4.1.3
#O Greenville Tool and Die
#C John Latva
#E stella!jwl
#T +1 616 754-5693
#P P.O. Box 310, Greenville, MI 48838
#Wheifetz!osm (Owen Scott Medd) ; Mon Jan 25 05:09:39 EST 1993
stella= gtd.com
stella .gtd.com(LOCAL)
stella heifetz(DIRECT)
#N stratsft
#S Intel 80386; Sys V rel 3.2 UNIX
#O Strategic Software
#C Dwayne Bailey
#E stratsft!postmaster
#T +1 313 758 8153
#P 14209 Dixie, Redford, MI 48239-2803
#L 42 23 33 N / 83 17 52 W
#R Strategic Software is a one-man Consulting/Software development shop
#U mika cfctech claxen
#W stratsft!dwayne (Dwayne A. Bailey); Sun Feb 14 22:12:21 EST 1993
stratsft cmc1722(DEMAND+FAST), cfctech(HOURLY+FAST)
#N stss
#S IBM PS/2-80,Interactive UNIX 386/ix, Vpix/ix, IBM PC-DOS, IBM OS/2
#O ST Consulting
#C Steve Temcheff
#E stss!steve
#T +1 313 581 0332
#P 4751 Korte, Dearborn, MI 48126
#L 42 27 08 N / 83 4 24 W
#R eclectic software-writers
#U dave, nucleus, carpix
#W stss.org!steve ( Steve Temcheff ); Thu Feb 18 00:54:56 EST 1993
stss jabba(HOURLY),
#N sundvik, sundvik.mug.org
#F heifetz.msen.com
#S AT&T 3b1; SVR 3.51m
#O Individual (Consulting/Contract programming)
#C Richard S. Williams
#E sundvik!rsw
#T +1 313 884 9579
#P 1487 Blairmoor Ct., Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236-1005
#W sundvik!rsw (Richard S. Williams); Mon Jan 4 23:56:33 EST 1993
#L 42 26 52 N / 82 53 51 W
#R michigan!/usr/group Treasurer, Michigan Swimming Treasurer
sundvik= sundvik.mug.org
sundvik bgalli(DIRECT), ltech1(DAILY), ttardis(WEEKLY)
#N suntec1
#S DTK 486/50 Tower; ESIX SYSV Rel. 4.4
#O Suntec, Inc.
#C David A. Barr
#E suntec1!postmaster, suntec1!dbarr
#T +1 313 887 8179
#P 2574 Parkway PL, Hartland, MI 48353-3228
#L 57 46 00 N / 88 36 00 W
#R Custom systems & engineering services
#W suntec1!dbarr (David A. Barr); Sat Jan 30 08:05:54 EST 1993
suntec1 linx(DAILY)
#N sycom, sycom.mi.org
#F ilium.troy.msen.com
#S Commmodore-Amiga 3000/16/50; AmigaDOS v2.04 & Amiga-UUCP v1.16D
#O Sycom Design Software
#C Ronald Kushner
#E rkushner@sycom.mi.org
#T +1 313 268 5117
#P 11227 Brougham Drive, Sterling Heights, MI 48312-3703
#L 42 34' 39" N / 83 01' 49" W
#R MiBBS +1 313 939-6666 or 920-3829 8-N-1
#U curlie ilium instem mastro pam-sy ro-chp tcedge vela
#W sycom!rkushner (Ronald Kushner); Tue Apr 06 23:18:42 EDT 1993
sycom = sycom.mi.org
sycom curlie(POLLED),
#N sygnus
#S Microlink 486; Interactive Unix Sys V Rel 3.2
#O Not An Organization
#C Timothy M Purves
#E sygnus!postmaster, linx!tpurves
#T +1 313 853 4958
#P 3525 Levee Street, Waterford, MI 48329-2254
#L 42 43 03 N / 83 21 50 W
#R Home System
#W sygnus!tpurves (Timothy Purves); Mon Dec 28 20:51:32 EST 1992
sygnus linx(DEMAND)
#N taysar, taysar.mi.org
#F destroyer.rs.itd.umich.edu
#S generic 386; Linux 0.97
#O Duncan/Tarn household
#C Robert H. Duncan
#E postmaster@taysar.mi.org, duncan@erim.org
#T +1 313 994 1200 x2880
#P 15875 Westbrook, Detroit MI 48223
#L 42 24 46 N / 83 15 34 W
#R SEMiSLUG snail mail list keeper. Send 12 SASE's for monthly reminders.
#W duncan@erim.org (Robert Duncan); Fri Aug 21 10:09:04 EDT 1992
taysar= taysar.mi.org
taysar cfctech(DAILY/3),
#N tccbbs
#S Amiga 2000HD; Workbench 1.3
#O The Cyber Chipmonk's Personal Bulliten Board System
#C Patrick Charles Bryant
#E tccbbs!tcc
#T +1 313 937 8059
#D PO Box 39049, Redford, MI, 48239-0049
#L 23 00 N / 83 17 48 W city
#R timestamp, m-net connection unused (dead)
#U tygra kitenet
#W tccbbs!tcc ; Sun Jan 03 05:31:45 EDT 1993
tccbbs m-net(DEAD),
#N tcedge, tcedge.mi.org
#F destroyer.rs.itd.umich.edu
#S Commmodore Amiga 2000; Amiga-DOS v2.04 & Amiga-UUCP v1.16D
#O Not an Organization
#C Tom Dietz
#E tcedge!postmaster
#T +1 313 774 2153
#P 23080 Englehardt, Saint Clair Shores, MI 48080
#L 42 27'56" N / 82 53'9" W
#R T.C. Edge BBS, A Macomb County BBS with limited public UseNet access
#R +1 313 77-AMIGA or +1 313 772 6442 8-N-1
#U sycom
#W tcedge!tdietz (Tom Dietz); Wed Jan 27 17:59:12 EST 1993
tcedge tcedge.mi.org
tcedge sycom(DIRECT)
#N tecnous
#S Silicon Graphics (SGI)
#O Tecnomatix
#C Udi Na'amani
#E tecnous!udi
#T +1 313 471 6140
#P 39750 Grand River, Novi, MI 48375
#L 42 28 / 83 28 W city
#W tecnous!udi ; Wed Apr 1 18:47:28 EST 1992
tecnous uunet(DEMAND)
#N teemc
#S Logic Process MPulse 020; Unix patchlevel D
#O TMC & Associates
#C Michael R. Wayne
#E postmaster@ilium.troy.msen.com
#T +1 313 689 9873
#P PO Box 994; Troy, MI 48099
#L 42 34 N / 83 06 W
#R teemc's traffic has shifted to ilium
#W wayne@msen.com (Michael R. Wayne); Mon Nov 9 16:37:33 EST 1992
teemc = teemc.tmc.mi.org
teemc ilium(DIRECT+FAST)
#N telstr
#S Commodore-AMIGA 2000; Amiga-DOS V2.04 & AmigaUUCP v1.16
#O Tele-Star BBS
#C Kelly Wright
#E telstr!kellyw
#T +1 616 399 4879
#P 2151 Whispering Dunes Dr. Holland, MI 49424
#R Telebit equipt Multi-line public system
#U wyn386
#W telstr!kellyw (Kelly Wright); Fri Oct 16 15:05:00 EST 1992
telstr= telstr.mi.org
telstr wyn386(DAILY)
#N terminator
#S Sun 3/160; SunOS 3.5
#O The University of Michigan, Information Technology Division
#C Wes Craig, Bryan Beecher
#E terminator!uucp (Wes Craig), terminator!usenet (Bryan Beecher)
#T +1 313 764 2278 (Wes Craig), +1 313 747 4050 (Bryan Beecher)
#P 535 W. William St.; Ann Arbor, MI; 48103-4943
#L 42 17 00 N / 83 44 45 W city
#U destroyer
#W terminator!wes (Wes Craig); Mon Aug 17 15:34:03 EDT 1992
terminator destroyer(LOCAL)
#N theclub
#S Gateway 386/20, ESIX Sys V.3.2
#O Conklin Systems
#C Terry Conklin
#E conklin@egr.msu.edu, uunet!frith!conklin
#T +1 517 484 2824
#P 138 Regent, Lansing, MI 48912
#L 42 44 N / 84 33 W
#R Gateway to Club Network BBSes
#R Login on (517) 372-3131 or (313) 334-8877 if you have trouble
#R Conklin Systems offers 'mission critical' consulting services
#R for demanding problems. Unix, DOS, O.S. design, communications
#W conklin@egr.msu.esu (Terry Conklin); Tue Nov 17 05:51:22 EST 1992
theclub frith(DEMAND), orstan(DEMAND)
#N thedump
#S PCEnhancements; MSDOS v5.0
#O Metro-Detroit Fidonet/Usenet HUB
#C Alex Schwallbach
#E wsu-cs.cs.wayne.edu!thedump!alex
#T (313) 884-8011
#P 1400 Edmundton, Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236
#R This is also FIDONET node 1:120/221
#W wsu-cs.cs.wayne.edu!thedump!alex ; Mon Mar 09 09:30:00 EST 1992
thedump wsu-cs(DAILY)
#N therip
#F destroyer.rs.itd.umich.edu
#S '386dx-25 clone; 0.97.2-MCC Linux
#O The Realm of Interesting Paraphernalia
#C Rodney D. Fulk
#E elixir@therip.grand-rapids.mi.us , elixir@wybbs.mi.org
#T +1 616 249 8007
#P 3930 Clyde Park SW Apt #203, Grand Rapids, MI 49509
#L 42 53 39 N / 85 38 90 W
#R Public Access system serving Atari St, Amiga and IBM Clones
#U wybbs.mi.org
#W therip!elixir ; Wed Oct 21 15:15:55 EDT 1992
therip= therip.grand-rapids.mi.us
therip wybbs(DAILY/4)
#N toadstool
#S NeXTstation (mono); Mach 2.0/NeXT OS 3.0
#O the toadstool
#C Kevin Cheek
#E toadstool!toad
#T +1 313 665 3782
#P 533 Elizabeth #2, Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1221
#L 42 18 N / 83 45 W city
#U mudos iunet criii
#W toadstool!toad (Kevin Cheek); Mon Feb 8 08:32:14 EST 1993
toadstool mudos(POLLED), iunet(POLLED), criii(DAILY/3)
#N torrac
#S AT&T Unix PC; System V, release 1
#O personal system
#C John R. Boyd
#E torrac!boyd
#T +1 313 973 0760
#P 3622 Partridge Path Apt. 8, Ann Arbor MI 48108
#L 42 18 N / 83 43 W city
#W torrac!boyd (John R Boyd) ; Wed Dec 16 14:10:49 EST 1992
torrac <amara>(WEEKLY)
#N trans
#F umcc.umich.edu
#S Dell System 325 80386; SCO XENIX 386 2.3.4
#O Transitions
#C Joseph Wisdom
#E umcc!trans!postmaster
#T +1 616 459 4212 x 312
#P 201 Sheldon Ave SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
#L 42 56 27 N / 85 37 50 W
#R Private E-mail and News service.
#U umcc
#W umcc!trans!jwisdom (Joseph Wisdom); Fri Jun 18 15:47:00 EDT 1993
trans= trans.grand-rapids.mi.us
trans wybbs(DAILY), umcc(HOURLY), irie(DAILY/3), freakout(DEMAND), river(DAILY/3)
#N trilby.gmr.com
#S 386 AT Clone, Interactive Systems 386/ix
#O Vehicle Systems Research, General Motors Research Laboratories
#C Rick Lotoczky
#E trilby!rick , trilby!root
#T +1 313 986 9591
#P Warren, Michigan 48090-9055
#L 42 30 30 N / 83 01 36 W city
#U sesi, mika, fiveh, rphroy
#W trilby!rick (Rick Lotoczky) ; Mon Apr 13 06:20:14 EDT 1992
trilby sesi(HOURLY+FAST), mika(HOURLY), fiveh(DAILY), rphroy(LOCAL)
#N trux, trux.mi.org
#F link.ph.gmr.com
#S Nixdorf TARGON/35-M50 (Pyramid 9810); Unix System V Release 2 & BSD 4.3
#O Central Transport
#C Chris Rende
#E trux!car, trux!news
#T +1 313 939 7000 x2158
#P 34200 Mound Road, Sterling Heights, MI 48077
#L 42 28 30 N / 83 01 36 W city
#R Freight delivery via "trux".
#U rphroy ramecs
#W trux!car (Chris Rende); Mon Dec 14 13:54:26 EST 1992
trux= trux.mi.org
trux rphroy(DIRECT+FAST), ramecs(DAILY+FAST), cfctech(DEAD)
#N ttardis
#S AT&T 3B1; UNIX System V Rel 3.51
#C Ron Wilson, Kim Gaub
#E ttardis!postmaster
#T +1 313 255-0510
#P 9536 Beaverland Redford MI 48239
#L 42 21 N / 83 19 W city
#R modem +1 313 255-8927
#U albedo star1
#W ttardis!rlw ; Thu Feb 18 05:36:10 EST 1993
ttardis fmsrl7(POLLED), mok(POLLED), albedo(WEEKLY), star1(DAILY),
sundvik(POLLED), cfctech(POLLED),
bgalli(POLLED), aslan(POLLED), mlmb(POLLED),
ltech1(POLLED), deep(POLLED)
#N .michigan.com, tygra
#F uupsi.psi.net
#R tygra.michigan.com ==
#S SCO Xenix System V/386 2.3.2
#O CAT-TALK Conferencing Network
#C John Palmer
#E tygra!root
#T +1 313 881 1183
#P 34486 Gratiot Ave., Suite 200, Clinton TWP, MI 48043
#L 42 18 N / 83 45 W city
#W tygra!jp (John Palmer) ; Sun Mar 14 03:08:44 EST 1993
#U babs buster2 elmyra hamton mcloon plucky
#U destroyer sharkey uupsi
tygra .michigan.com(LOCAL)
tygra = tygra.michigan.com
tygra babs(LOCAL), buster2(LOCAL), destroyer(DIRECT),
hamton(LOCAL), mcloon(LOCAL),
plucky(LOCAL), uupsi(DIRECT)
#N umcc
#S DEC 5000/20; Ultrix
#O University of Michigan Computing Club
#C Jon Zeeff
#E jon@umcc.umich.edu
#T +1 313 995 1271
#P 2607 Patricia Ct Ann Arbor, MI 48103
#L 42 18 N / 83 45 W city
#W jsr@dexter.mi.org ; Mon Jul 12 21:03:17 EDT 1993
umcc = umcc.umcc.umich.edu
umcc umcc.umich.edu(DIRECT),
#N umeecs
#S Sun Sparc 10-41 SunOS Release 4.1.3
#O Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, The University of Michigan
#C Elizabeth Zaenger
#E umeecs!root, root@eecs.umich.edu
#T +1 313 763 1570
#P 4403 EECS Building, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
#L 42 18 N / 83 45 W city
#R []
#W root@eecs.umich.edu ; Mon Feb 1 10:17:42 EST 1993
umeecs= zip.eecs.umich.edu
#N unisysmi
#S Unisys U6055; Sys V.3
#O Unisys Corporation, Plymouth Development Center
#C Jim Brown , John Willing
#E unisysmi!brownj, unisysmi!willingj
#T +1 313 454 3337, +1 313 454 3009
#P 41100 Plymouth Rd, Plymouth, MI 48170
#L 42 24 N / 82 26 W
#R Unisys Unix Interest Group Machine
#U sharkey
#W unisysmi!brownj (Jim Brown); Thu Apr 16 16:27:24 EDT 1992
unisysmi destroyer(DAILY)
#N upose
#S Compaq Deskpro 386 ; Coherent 3.2.0
#O Interpose
#C Richard L. Patrick
#E upose!pat
#T +1 313 668 1961
#P 706 Pauline Blvd., Ann Arbor, MI 48103
#L 42 18 N / 83 45 W city
#U destroyer iunet
#W upose!pat (Richard Patrick) ; Tue Feb 23 19:07 EST 1993
upose destroyer(DAILY), iunet(DAILY)
#N ursus
#S Sun SPARCstation 1 ; SunOS 4.1.1
#O Great Lakes Empire
#C Vince Tessier
#E ursus!vlt
#T +1 313 853 5546
#P 3190 Bloomfield Lane #904, Auburn Hills, 48326
#W ursus!vlt (Vince Tessier); Tue Mar 31 06:40:10 EST 1992
ursus vela(DAILY)
#N uuhare, uuhare.rabbit.net, .rabbit.net
#I ns.psi.net
#S Sequent, Dynix
#O The Rabbit Network, Inc.
#R [] == uuhare.rabbit.net
#E uucpmap@ns.rabbit.net
#T +1 313 790 0094
#U alpena barrini chatter gikjl gorki guide houghtn interzone intrvale
#U mosul norsun polish pw-chi redlion somali tygra ugi-p uupsi verbatim
#U wjr760
#W uucpmap@ns.rabbit.net (UUCP-Map Manager); Thu Jul 22 21:00:02 EST 1993
# These customers may get their news and mail from us via NNTP/SMTP
# or by UUCP. All communications between our customers and the greater
# net go through this gateway.
uuhare = .rabbit.net
uuhare = uuhare.rabbit.net
uuhare uupsi(DAILY)
# Customers
uuhare <alpena>(DAILY), <barrini>(DAILY), <chatter>(DAILY),
<gikjl>(DAILY), <gorki>(DAILY), <guide>(DAILY),
<houghtn>(DAILY), <interzone>(DAILY),
<intrvale>(DAILY), <mosul>(DAILY), <norsun>(DAILY),
<pw-chi>(DAILY), <redlion>(DAILY), <somali>(DAILY),
<tygra>(DAILY), <ugi-p>(DAILY), <verbatim>(DAILY),
#N uuleo, uuleo.pontiac.mi.us
#F vela.acs.oakland.edu
#S IBM XT; DOS 5.0, UUCP 1.11x
#O Leonardo's BBS For Pizza Lovers
#C Michael E Brennan
#E uuleo!mebrenna
#T +1 313 373 6749
#P 2346 Pontiac Rd, Auburn Hills MI 48326
#R Mail to mebrenna@uuleo.pontiac.mi.us
#U vela.acs.oakland.edu
#W mebrenna@vela.acs.oakland.edu ; Tue Jun 1 1:37:42 EST 1993
uuleo= uuleo.pontiac.mi.us
uuleo vela(EVENING)
#N .oakland.edu, vela
#F vela.acs.oakland.edu
#S DECsystem 5500; Ultrix
#O Oakland University, Academic Computer Services
#C Jeff Marraccini, Paul Amaranth, Bill Watt
#E vela!jeff, vela!amaranth, vela!watt
#T +1 313 370-4542, +1 313 370-4541, +1 313 370-3155
#P Office of Computer & Info. Services; Rochester, MI 48309-4401
#L 42 40 N / 83 08 W
#R Oakland University's primary Usenet and UUCP server
#U altern8 amiga1 autobot boozsh destroyer.rs.itd.umich.edu dri2
#U fmsrl7.srl.ford.com funsft2 iunet.ic.net linx hal.cs.uiuc.edu
#U macinac newshub.nosc.mil nucleus psgi rcsuna.gmr.com
#U sycom uuleo vtrm01 w8hd wsu-cs.cs.wayne.edu wyn386
#W vela!jeff (Jeff Marraccini); Fri Jul 23 15:25:54 EDT 1993
# Note to local manager: When modified, send new copy to uucpmap@msen.com
# vela (vela.acs.oakland.edu,
vela = vela.acs.oakland.edu
# Local OU sites
vela .acs.oakland.edu(LOCAL)
vela egrunix(DEMAND),
# TCP/IP UUCP connections
vela frith(DEDICATED),
# Dial-up UUCP connections
vela altern8(POLLED),
#N vheng
#S ASCII '286; MS-DOS 3.3; UUPC 1.11n
#O VHE Consulting
#C Phillip Van Huffel
#E vheng!philvh
#T +1 616 942 7798
#P 3557 Tricklewood S.E., Grand Rapids Michigan USA 49506
#R dialout email node
#R this map entry is maintained by rad@railnet.nshore.org
#U railnet
#W railnet!rad (Rick DeMattia); Wed Dec 30 00:01:00 EST 1992
vheng= vheng.railnet.nshore.org
vheng railnet(DAILY*5)
#N vtrm01
#S DEC VAX-3100e; VMS 5.5-2; DECUS UUCP 2.0
#O Vickers, Inc.
#C Fred LaForest, Don Cope
#E vtrm01!flaforest, vtrm01!dcope
#T +1 313 641 4314, +1 313 641 4343
#P 5445 Corporate Drive, Troy, MI 48007-0302
#L 42 34 N / 83 09 W
#R Initial step into the UUCP world
#U vela vtrx33
#W vtrm01!flaforest (Fred LaForest); Fri Dec 11 12:00:00 EST 1992
vtrm01 vela(DAILY/4), vtrx33(LOCAL)
#N vtrx33
#S Compaq 286/386dx superchip II; Minix 386
#O Vickers Inc.
#C Donald E. Cope
#E vtrx33!don
#T +1 313 641 4343
#P 5445 Corperate Dr., Troy, MI 48007-0302
#L 42 24 N / 83 06 W
#U vtrm01
#W vtrx33!don ; Tue Dec 15 20:17:58 EST 1992
vtrx33 vtrm01(DAILY)
#N w8hd
#F vela.acs.oakland.edu
#S Sun 4/40, SunOS 4.1.2
#O The W8HD group
#C Kim Culhan
#E w8hd!kimc
#T 1+ 313 681-3441
#P 1920 Elsie Dr., West Bloomfield, MI 48324
#L 42 36 15 N / 83 23 45 W
#U vela laison wn8pee
#W w8hd!kimc (Kim Culhan); Fri Oct 23 10:33:00 EDT 1992
w8hd = w8hd.org
# Dial-up UUCP connections
w8hd laison(POLLED),
#N w8rre
#S Amiga 3000 16 150; AmigaDOS 2.04
#O Not An Organization
#C Harry Bedard Jr.
#E postmaster@w8rre, hbedard@w8rre
#T +1 313 681 4055
#P 1488 Rossdale Dr. Waterford, MI 48328
#L 42 37 04 N / 83 21 04 W
#R Home System
#W postmaster@w8rre ; Fri Jul 9 12:21:45 EDT 1993
w8rre linx(DEMAND)
#N wa8tzg, wa8tzg.mi.org
#F destroyer.rs.itd.umich.edu
#S AT&T 3b1;UNIX 3.51m
#O What, ME organized?
#C Bill Meahan
#E wwm@wa8tzg.mi.org
#T +1 313 728 3930
#P 1951 S. Globe, Westland, MI 48185-3930
#L 42 17 42 N / 83 24 W
#R Daytime work phone: +1 313 487 6122
#R (Ford Motor, EFHD Information Systems Staff)
#R The new Michigan UUCP backbone now has me connected to mcnnet
#R instead of one of the U of M machines.
#U mcnnet
#W wa8tzg!wwm (Bill Meahan); Fri Nov 6 05:42:45 EST 1992
wa8tzg =wa8tzg.mi.org
wa8tzg mcnnet(DAILY)
#N wagner, imagine.com
#F heifetz.msen.com
#S Next; Next OS 3.0
#O Imagine Multimedia, Inc.
#C Becki Kain
#E postmaster@imagine.com
#T +1 313 930-7777
#P 44 Frank Lloyd Wright Drive, P.O. Box 473, Ann Arbor, MI 48106
#L 42 18 N / 083 43 W city
#U heifetz
#W emv@msen.com (Edward Vielmetti) ; Tue Apr 20 17:10:05 EDT 1993
wagner = imagine.com
wagner .imagine.com(LOCAL)
wagner heifetz(DIRECT)
#N wicked
#S Commodore-Amiga 500; Amiga-DOS V2.04 & Amiga-UUCP V1.16d
#O Not An Organization
#C Dave Camilleri
#E wicked!dcamilleri
#T +1 313 689-8270
#P 1489 Lila, Troy, MI 48098
#L 42 36 N 83 09 W city
#U sycom
#W wicked!dcamilleri (Dave Camilleri); Sat Jul 25 19:57:55 EST 1992
wicked sycom(DIRECT)
#N wmim
#S ETEQ-486; SCO-Unix SysV-386 r3.2 v4
#O West Michigan Iron & Metal
#C Ronald VandenToorn Jr
#E wmim!rjr
#T +1 616 243 0157
#P 1845 Chicago Dr SW; Wyoming, MI 45909
#L 43 04 N / 85 21 W city
#R Newsfeeds availiable soon, MNP/v.32bis only.
#U entropy therip wybbs
#W entropy!jazz (Kenn Booth II); Thu Sep 24 11:47:32 EDT 1992
wmim therip(DIRECT+HIGH), wybbs(DIRECT)
#N wn8pee
#S Compaq 80286; Waffle 1.65
#O Not an organization
#C Don Clouse
#E wn8pee!donc
#T 1+ 313 698-4119
#P 10177 Lakeside, White Lake Twp, MI
#L 42 37 45 N / 83 30 30 W
#U w8hd laison
#W wn8pee!donc (Don Clouse); Fri Oct 23 16:19:12 EDT 1992
wn8pee = wn8pee.w8hd.org
wn8pee w8hd(POLLED)
#N wolv
#S Sun 3/50; SUNOS
#O University of Michigan Computing Club
#C Jon Zeeff
#E jon@umcc.umich.edu
#T +1 313 995 1271
#P 2607 Patricia Ct Ann Arbor, MI 48103
#L 42 18 N / 83 45 W city
#W jsr@dexter.mi.org ; Mon Jul 12 21:03:46 EDT 1993
wolv = wolv.umcc.umich.edu
wolv umcc.umich.edu(DIRECT),
#N wsu-cs
#S Sun-3/180
#O Wayne State University, Computer Science Department
#C Jon Brewster
#E wsu-cs!postmaster, postmaster@cs.wayne.edu
#T +1 313 577 5527, +1 313 577 2477
#P 5143 Cass, Detroit MI 48102; Room 431
#L 42 20 N/ 83 03 W (city)
#R [] == wsu-cs.cs.wayne.edu
#U destroyer vela davespc dojo
#U usenet.ins.cwru.edu thedump
#U egansys pizpot prjup
#W wsu-cs!jjb (Jon Brewster) ; Fri Feb 5 21:51:05 EST 1993
wsu-cs .cs.wayne.edu(LOCAL)
wsu-cs= wsu-cs.cs.wayne.edu
wsu-cs destroyer(DEDICATED), vela(DEDICATED), royaljok(DAILY+FAST),
davespc(DAILY/4), dojo(DEMAND), nile(DEMAND),
<ro-chp>(DEMAND), thedump(DAILY), egansys(DIRECT+FAST),
ackpfft(DEMAND), prjup(DAILY), robspc(DAILY/4),
pizpot(DAILY+FAST), javaman(DAILY)
#N wybbs, wybbs.mi.org
#F destroyer.rs.itd.umich.edu
#S Generic 80386 Machine; SCO Xenix 2.3.2
#O Consultants Connection BBS
#C Daniel Wynalda
#E wybbs!danielw
#T +1 616 866 1561 X22
#P 2783 Sandalwood CT NE Grand Rapids, MI 49505
#R Multi-line public system willing to feed other
#R local sites. Telebit TB+ equipt.
#U spirit wyn386 orbit delirium ohenry n8ilf cyberia
#U destroyer jdbbs wshs dzsys dagmw therip at1lsar
#W wybbs!danielw (Daniel Wynalda); Sat Jan 23 09:01:59 EST 1993
wybbs= wybbs.mi.org
wybbs spirit(DEMAND), wyn386(DEMAND), orbit(POLLED),
delirium(POLLED), ohenry(POLLED), wshs(DAILY/2), cyberia(POLLED),
destroyer(DEMAND), jdbbs(DEMAND), dagmw(POLLED),
dzsys(POLLED), n8ilf(POLLED), at1lsar(DEMAND)
#N wyn386, wyn386.mi.org
#S DTK 80386/25dx, SCO Xenix 386 2.2.3
#O Wynalda Litho Inc.
#C Daniel Wynalda
#E wyn386!danielw
#T +1 616 866 1561 X22
#P 8221 Graphic Ind Pk, Rockford, MI 49341
#R Telebit equipt 338MB 386 Xenix machine
#U wybbs destroyer telstr at1lsar
#W danielw@wyn386.mi.org (Daniel Wynalda); Sat Jan 23 09:04:12 EST 1993
wyn386= wyn386.mi.org
wyn386 wybbs(DIRECT), destroyer(DEMAND), telstr(DEMAND), at1lsar(DAILY)
#N yikes
#S Compudyne 16/386sx running Linux
#O The House of Strauss
#C Gary C. Strauss
#E yikes!gstrauss
#T +1 313 852 7935
#P 2453 Frankson, Rochester MI 48307
#L 42 38 N / 83 04 W
#U vtrx33
#W yikes!gstrauss ; Mon Dec 14 20:56:25 EST 1992
yikes vtrx33(DAILY)
#N ylum
#S Amiga
#O What, me organize?
#C Steve Simmons
#E lokkur!postmaster
#W lokkur!postmaster ; Mon Dec 21 20:02:22 EST 1992
ylum lokkur(DAILY)
#N yooyoo, yooyoo.msen.com
#S Sun 3/50; SunOS 4.1
#O Msen, Inc.
#C Owen Scott Medd, Edward Vielmetti
#E heifetz!postmaster
#T +1 313 998-4562
#P 628 Brooks Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48103
#L 42 18 N / 083 43 W city
#R every good network has a 'uu' machine
#U heifetz
#W heifetz!osm (Owen Scott Medd) ; Mon Dec 21 05:09:39 EST 1992
yooyoo = yooyoo.msen.com
yooyoo msen(LOCAL)
#N yyz
#S IBM AT/286; 4dos 4.01 + MSDos 5.0
#O entropy collider
#C Jim Northrup
#E yyz!postmaster, yyz!jim, yyz!who_the_hell_are_you
#T +1 313 434 0129
#P 569 Brookside Ypsilanti MI 48197
#L 83 00 N / 42 00 W Ypsilanti
#R in loving opposition: Stay! Go! Work! No! Think! Live! Earn! Give!
#U cquest
#W yyz!jim ; Sun Mar 14 03:33:43 EST 1993
#N zithro
#S i386; Linux
#O Dream Quest Systems
#C Chris Cappuccio
#E zithro!chris
#T +1 313 927 2800
#P 16021 Knollwood Dr.; Dearborn, MI 48120-1309
#L 42 19 10 N / 83 10 35 W
#W ccappuc@santafe.edu (Chris Cappuccio) ; Sat Jul 17 21:58:35 EDT 1993
zithro rmsun(DAILY)
# End of Michigan Map File u.usa.mi.3